First Published 2020
One Sunny day Spikkey Za-Great and
Professor Duffu Za-Luffu decided to stroll
through Miss Daezey Za-Maezey's beautiful
garden BUT there was something wrong
with her garden .... or was there?
The book is targeted at ages 3-8 - preschool to early primary school. It contains a mixture of digital scrap-booking, polymer clay and photography. This is the first book of many more to come based on Za Town in Zazzoria Land.
Please click on the link below to take you to my eBook and printed option on Amazon Kindle.
Thanks so much and enjoy reading my book!
First Published 2020
Little Dog wants Little Cat to play but Little Cat just wants to sleep up in his tree. So Little Dog comes up with a plan to get Little Cat to play with him. Will Little Dogs plan work?
The book is targeted at ages 3-8 - preschool to early primary school. It contains a mixture of digital scrap-booking, polymer clay and photography. This is the second book of many more to come based on Zazzoria Land.
Please click on the link below to take you to my eBook and printed option on Amazon Kindle.
Thanks so much and enjoy reading my book!
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